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Why does a man needs thirty pages to describe how he tosses and turns in his bed before falling asleep’

You have hear the legendary tale of how the BEATLES were turned down by a major recording 


the same not knowing plagues literature, so what is published has an element of the Roulette Wheel

So those who claim to know are mostly the ones who don't know. Before making their momentous decisions they give off the appearance of having gone through gigantic subterranean labour’

Here is one publisher on Proust'  

À la Recherche du Temps Perdu (In Search of Lost Time one of the most
acclaimed pieces of writing of all time

 ‘I may be dead from the neck up, but rack my brains as I may, I fail to understand why a man needs 

thirty pages to describe how he tosses and turns in his bed before falling asleep’

 (Georges Boyer for Ollendorff ).

 As Tadié crisply says in his biography, Proust was not part of these people’s world,

 ‘and he doesn’t write like them, since he doesn’t write like anybody’. 

Proust published the book at his own expense 

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