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My God, what will happen if Trump DOESN'T fire Mueller

The counter argument to todays' NYT speculation 'the nation will pay if Trump fires Mueller' is to contemplate the calamities that would befall us all  if Trump 'does not fire Mueller.'

 I mean think of the loss of titillation to those consumers of salacious 'Stormy' type innuendo; think of those bereft for the loss of drama if the Stalinist type knock on the door in the dead of night was no more; think of the conundrum for taxpayers of what to do with the millions of dollars saved if Mueller was stopped in his Bloodhound or is that Belgian Malinois sniffing out of unmentionables that may have been deposited at the base of every tree.

Think of the heart rending tragedy for all those Democratic funding lawyers not getting their $1200 per hour after assuring their families that this 'gig' could run forever, so go on and buy that 8 bedroomed house.

It is all too sad to contemplate, so I say long live the Mueller counsel, Viva the Mueller
probe. I only have one worrying doubt that nags at me, why does the Mueller probe persistently remind me of Kafka?

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