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That strange relationship between the English and the Americans

The relationship between any two major nations, say the UK and the US  is inevitably about war, trade, investment and communications, not to acknowledge such points robs the discussion off its sinew.

I am being solemn but is solemnity really such a risk

Let us go to the  the American cult of Churchill, who stands for a sort of disembodied ‘greatness’ as a high-cast, good-taste Rambo with rhetorical abilities. You never find an Englishman among the underdogs – except in England of course

However the English has been a beneficiary of the American assumption that an Englishman is, at least potentially and embryonically, a superior sort of American.

 An Englishman is seen not just as a Wasp, but as quite probably someone with better education, taste and manners than your run-of-the-mill log rolling Americans.  

Yet nothing has so reinforced American Anglophilia as the fact that we are now so far from being the imperial rival we once were that Americans have no need for envy on that front.  So America you can go back to feeling superior.

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