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The paranoids redemption when they identify the enemy, Trump!

Scanning through your comments page Trump!Trump! Trump! one is drawn to the rather reluctant observation that the self cure for those vehemently opposed in having Donald Trump as President is paranoia.
For paranoia is the self cure par excellence for insignificance.

Much of the comments I read have a manifesto like fervour (think Marx) this animus arrives in the paranoid once they have identified the enemy, yes the unbearable one, Trump); so the self-cure for insignificance is paranoia and this is very evident in the plaintive cri de coeur type comments
as they address the enemy for Trump is the paranoid's genre par excellence.

One scans the endless protests in the comments in which they endeavour to smuggle in something sacred, something higher, better, in the guise of the secular

For the idea of something beyond one's control; Trump, intervening in one's life in a way that ineluctably changes one, causes outrage of such conviction that it might as well be some kind of carefully chosen career path.

It is said that one is in a paranoid state of mind when one’s insignificance is unthinkable, Paranoia, one might say, is the ambition to go on believing in the ambition that I can change it. The paranoiac, under Trump, is at the centre of a world that has no centre it is a personal crisis, if you like - a legitimation crisis.

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