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Free will ? But can you choose your parents

 Most philosophers suppose that the concept of free will is very closely connected to the concept of moral responsibility. Acting with free will, on such views, is just to satisfy the metaphysical requirement on being responsible for one's action. (

 Briefly, determinism is the view that the history of the universe is fixed: everything that happens is necessitated by what has already gone before, in such a way that nothing can happen otherwise than it does. 

According to compatibilists, freedom is compatible with determinism because freedom is essentially just a matter of not being constrained or hindered in certain ways when one acts or chooses. Suppose one is a normal adult human being in normal circumstances. Then one is able to act and choose freely. 

No one is holding a gun to one’s head. One is not being threatened. One is not drugged, or in chains, (but one is always in relative chains) or subject to a psychological compulsion or a post-hypnotic command. One is therefore wholly free to choose and act even if one’s whole physical and psychological makeup is entirely determined by things for which one is in no way ultimately responsible—starting with one’s genetic inheritance and early upbringing.

But can you choose your parents, your resulting environment, your
educational chances, your genetic makeup, you being prone to heredity diseease
N0, NO, NO well you have free will?

All our acts, even a smile can be traced back to a determining source and that determining source can be traced back to a d..... force ad infinitum

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