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Is there such a thing as unegoistic morality?

'Thou shalt not' ...still speaks to us (metaphysically)

 Is morality utilitarian? We should ask what characterizes “morality” 

Does morality have universal applicability

Is  rank the motive for which agents act.

Against the Free Will Thesis, Nietzsche argues that a free agent (that is, one sufficiently free to be morally responsible) would have to be causa sui (i.e., self-caused, or the cause of itself); but since we are not causa sui, no one can be a free agent. Nietzsche takes for granted — not implausibly — that our moral and religious traditions are incompatibilist at their core: causally determined wills are not free wills.
 a causa sui is something fundamentally absurd”, and that it is “the best self-contradiction that has been conceived so far…a sort of rape and perversion of logic”
 “that a thought comes when ‘it’ wishes, and not when ‘I’ wish” (BGE 17). If that is right and if actions are apparently “caused” by thoughts (by particular beliefs and desires), then it follows that actions are not caused solely by our conscious mental states, but rather by whatever it is (i.e., type-facts) that determines the thoughts that enter consciousness

As with diets, so too with moralities, according to Nietzsche. Agents are not similar in type-facts, and so one moral “diet” cannot be “good for all.”  these are seductions under the seduction under the mask of philanthropy

Is there such a thing as unegoistic morality?

the desire to bear the entire and ultimate responsibility for one's actions oneself, and to absolve God, the world, ancestors, chance, and society involves nothing less than to be precisely this causa sui and…to pull oneself up into existence by the hair, out of the swamps of nothingness

The self is merely the arena in which the struggle of drives plays itself out, and one's actions are the outcomes of the struggle 

This explanation of a person's moral beliefs in terms of psycho-physical facts about the person is a recurring theme in Nietzsche. “[M]oralities are…merely a sign language of the affects

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