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Reason is not a tribunal

For Descartes and Plato  thought has a natural orientation towards truth and the intellect is naturally drawn towards reason and recollects the true nature of that which exists. This is an image of thought which is drawn to reason/
Bur Reason is not a tribunal …and reality is a becoming, not a being. We can exercise the faculties we do not have to be dictated by reason (a loaded term) for what are the building blocks of reason which we are invoked to think by? Power plays, political pawns. We must no crush thought under an image of reason which is that of the same and similar in representation.

This desire to attain the mount of thought is to be subjugated to the idea the implication of an a priori nature of thought, a telos, a meaning and a logic of practice through the dilaectic. tHIS IS A MODERNIST PERSPECTIVE ON EPISTEMOLOGY (the theory of knowledge).

hERE WE HAVE A  direct contradiction to what have been typified as Modernist perspectives on epistemology, Foucault asserted that RATIONAL/REASONABLE  judgment COMES OUT OF  social practice and what he called 'power' CONSTITUTENTS  AND THESE ARE NOT inseparable FROM REASON but co-determinant.

This is a radical rereading of the canonical.

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