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Nabokov's rarely missed the dimple of sunshine on the cheek of the day.

Vladimar Nabokov from his Russian émigré mandarin view saw others émigré’s as those of   “stoop-shouldered speech”, then to to a 3:00 AM encounter with a “very hungry, very lonely, very professional mosquito,”
to a restaurant where the  “waiter was sweating hailstones,” then invigilating an Exam at Cornell University where the exam setting was the precursor to the broken-down deodorant under the arms of exam-tackling Cornellians. He rarely missed the 'dimple of sunshine on the cheek of the day.'

It was a great pity that the  The New Yorker rejected his poem on Superman and Lois Lane’s honeymoon night.
Nabokov oft-expressed belief in his own genius, which once might have hinted at underlying uncertainty,

He had the fearful insight that he might go the way of most creators who are often plowed under regardless, graced only with the world’s forgetting

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