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Looking at boots and creating reality

A Pair of Shoes

HUGO: Look at this attempt at Van Gogh‟s boots. What do you see when you look at them?

EUGENE: Oh, I see that they belonged to...well, they are peasant boots.

HUGO: I see them as a kind of wrinkled out piece of his own life; the boots as sacred relic; a
kind of self-portrait you could say. You know I see these boots, as a symbol of his life-long
practice of walking.

EUGENE: Life as a walking…well, kind of pilgrimage.

HUGO: Yes, the boots as a sum of his perceptions, the boots as a sum of codes.

EUGENE: Bloody hell, you are informed. Looking at a pair of boots turned you into some
sort of ontological detective

HUGO: My Dad was a spoilt painter. But what‟s interesting is, if you asked anyone here

what their view of the boots were they would give a different description. We create reality

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